I found out that there are so many subscribers who get an email each time I write an article on www.usa.johntext.de.
Thank you so much for your support. It feels good to know a world away someone is reading my work.
I’ve just spent 10 days in Ghana at the Kinko, Village with a group called LEAP for Ghana (literacy empowerment action project).
We ran a day camp for more than 150 small children and raised money for three girls to go to high school. Quite an experience. And going into the slave dungeons was dreadfully hard. I am attaching some pics as well as info about my organization. Please take a look at the wonderful work we’re doing. May you have a good rest of the summer. Classes started here in Morgantown last week. But I’ve had a marvelous summer.
Children of Konko Village Ghana
Professor Ethel Morgan Smith is on Facebook. She writes on http://www.ethelmorgansmith.com/ and www.usa.johntext.de .
You can contact her here: lucymorgansmith@gmail.com.